Izabel Kovacic Lifestyle, Photos, Date of Birth, Astrological Sign and Numerology Report


Welcome to all Worldfootballrumours.com fans from all over the world. We have searched and crawled the internet regarding the most gorgeous football player’s WAGs and have come up with some amazing pictures for Izabel Kovacic. Make sure to stick around until the end. Enjoy!

Izabel Kovacic

Izabel Kovacic

Izabel Kovacic

Izabel Kovacic

Izabel Kovacic

Izabel Kovacic


Lifetime Report

Birthdate: 17 December 1992

Life Path Number – 5

17 December 1992 = 17.12.1992

17.12.1992 = 1 + 7 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 2 = 32 = 3 + 2 = 5


These people need movement and change, and they like to travel. They search for freedom and adventure. They are open to new things and ideas. They have an inclination for leadership. They are ambitious but they are also very sensitive and avoid routine and boredom. They are impressed by people who are able to convince them in some area.


These people should be careful not to succumb to sudden ideas, instability, inclination to nervousness and restlessness. They should keep a balance in the emotional, professional and financial areas. They do not like rules and restrictions and cannot be forced to do something. Beware of accidents.

Birthday Number – 17th – Capability


These people are strong and courageous. They are sensitive and ambitious. They are very observant. They are efficient, quick-witted and hardworking. They have leadership skills. Romantic relationship is very important for them. They are social.

They may have an ability to heal others. They are able to think correctly and for long periods of time. They will reach success later in life. They will get rich. They have the ability to implement their plans. They are materialistic. They have good logical thinking. They deeply believe in life and they do not panic. They are ambitious and determined. They seek unconventional ways to resolve problems. They like to take on responsibilities.

When selecting friends they should only turn to family members or very good friends. They are determined. They should avoid manipulating others. They are either controlling or controlled. They have a lack of self-confidence.


These people are prone to dramatic emotional expressions and scenes. They are moody and irritable. Sometimes they are full of themselves. It is difficult to coexist with them. Sometimes their attitude brings inner conflicts. They are aggressive, egoistic, intrusive, stubborn and bossy. They only think of themselves. They cannot stand opposition. Beware of obsession with success and wealth; rapid way up and then collapse; they are terrified of failures.

Arrow of Frustration/Saturn

Empty Arrow 4-5-6 (Arrow of Frustration/Saturn)

These people can have very strong experiences in the area of interpersonal relationships, financial security and health. Problems may arise if they have to deal with their fame or power. They have to go through a test of patience and perseverance in life.

Football player’s WAGs



Sagittarius is the ninth sign of the Zodiac, which is ruled by the planet Jupiter. People born under this sign have fair complexion, graceful looks, impressive eyes, large forehead and charming personality. It is a fiery sign; therefore those born tend to be bold, courageous and highly daring. They are positive, fearless and ambitious people. They will not jitter in adverse conditions and have strength to fight with determination and conviction.

They are highly knowledgeable, but they learn less from books and more while day-to-day interaction with people. Jupiter the ruler makes them highly broadminded, strong and lively. They have keen interest in sports and out door activities. They are active and always in motion. Their heart and mind is always searching for new experiences. They always prefer life around themselves and run away from solitude and isolation. Sagittarius born is highly articulate and a fine public speaker; they know how to get ideas across to other people.

They are impressive, trustworthy and positive, but they lack tact and diplomacy and because of which they loose many good opportunities in their lifetime. They are wonderful teachers, coaches or gurus. Politics, research and sales can also be of interest to them. They are highly creative and they like to express their artistic talents in their daily life. Being very hard working they never shy away from responsibilities and when they are relaxing then they really pamper themselves with luxuries and comforts. They have large social circle and are thoughtful and pleasing host. They love to spend and entertain others.

They are great learners and learn more from their mistakes than people of any other sign. A Sagittarian may be careless in his youth, driving fast cars, paying scant regard for safety, but once he commits a mistake, he will never repeat it. Although his delight in personal freedom never leaves him, he will eventually be able to make full use of formidable intellectual potential, studying serious, perhaps philosophical subjects. He will particularly enjoy exploring subjects unknown to him. He stores knowledge and puts it to good use later. He sets his own standards. He will set his sight on an objective, which may seem beyond him, but once it is well within reach, he would raise his sight further higher and become eager to start a new project before he completes the one in hand.

He always wants to feel free. He cannot stand the feeling of claustrophobia, either physical or emotional. His desire to explore the unknown may well be both physical and intellectual. His life must always have an element of challenge. It’s not unusual for him to hold on to two jobs at one time. As he indulges in a great deal of intellectual exercise, he also needs to have a fair amount of physical exercise. Getting tired means, he is bored and requires a change. He must make efforts to keep this restlessness under control, as otherwise it will cause considerable unhappiness to himself as well as to his partner.

Sagittarius Woman

The Sagittarius woman has a curious nature and is always inquiring about something or the other. She likes to talk about everything under the sun and is usually candid and independent. Sagittarius woman likes to do things on her own terms, as there is no use handing her a schedule.

Love – Love is a mystery for Sagittarius women. This is the reason, they either keep it as a hidden reassure or most longed for prize.

Relationships – Sagittarius women like to have the company of people and like to spend time with people who love truth and knowledge.

Friendships – Sagittarius women are adventurous and intellectual and like to spend time with people who have an outlandish sense of fun.

Sex – Sagittarius women are quite fierce in bedroom and her approach towards sex is totally physical and there is nothing emotional in it.

Fashion – Sagittarius women are miles away from fashion trends and the only thing that matters to her is comfort.

Sagittarius Finance Horoscope

Sagittarius is naturally attracted towards wealth and hence they either create or attract it. Sagittarius possesses talent, energy and ideas to create their own heaven on earth. But Sagittarius does not get satisfaction just by possessing wealth. They need luxury in every walk of life. Sagittarius can attain their dream financial status only if they enhance their organizational and managerial capabilities.

Sagittarius should learn to attain their goals by generating a series of objectives or sub-goals. They should realize that rarely a person can become rich overnight. Sagittarius shows utmost dedication to attain success and wealth in an impressive style. This over confidence in them may lead to disappointment and unrealistic financial status. But Sagittarius possesses outstanding capability to bounce back to life swiftly. Financial status of Sagittarius attains decent status only if they stay on their vision and work hard effectively and patiently.

Speculation is not for them therefore they should stay away from gambling and risky investments. This is one of the luckiest signs, as they love to spend and generally have plenty of money to do so. They like to plan things in advance. They have an inbuilt ability to handle money. A Sagittarius mind and efforts are always working towards new important deals. They like to be their own boss and manage things their own way.

Sagittarius Health Horoscope

Sagittarians are very sensitive people and hence small tensions have an adverse effect on their health.

Unwanted stress and anxiety should be avoided at all costs.

They are likely to suffer from gout, rheumatic pain and lumbago.

Mars and Saturn cause fractures, while Moon and Jupiter causes upset stomach or a weak digestive system or diabetes.

Good nutritious diet and timely medication is of high importance.

Sagittarius Career Horoscope

Sagittarius is truthful and far-sighted, they are open- minded, they do not work under pressure, and freedom is the important fact for them to perform excellence. They are adorable person, the profession which is suited for them are physically and intellectually challenged. If they are female Sagittarius, they love travel & spend time outside; in this case they can join travel agent job, tourist & field marketing profession etc. If they are male Sagittarius, they must choose legal profession such as legal business advisor, lawyer, civil law or fair trading law or labor law etc due to their ethnic nature.

Sagittarians are people with immense capabilities and experiences to turn the things to their advantages. They are quite capable of getting the things done from their subordinates and leave marks. They know well how to get the things implemented. Their unyielding strength and the knowledge that they acquire in their trades always help them to stay ahead of others. They will be excellent teachers, public speakers, engineers and bank employees. Mercury being the lord of the profession indicates a good future in company law and accounts.

As a boss, they are known as ethical, confident, optimistic person who never let down others and allow working them independently. They are honest and having pleasing personality. They diplomatically handle team without any chaos. The base of their success is their positive nature and outgoing nature for their target.

Ex/Current Partner: Mateo Kovacic

World Football Rumours

It’s always been an intriguing topic to discuss what’s going on in football players’ personal life. People are constantly interested in learning the answer to the question, “Who are these sportsmen dating?” especially if they are meeting with some of the most gorgeous girls and models. From offering companionship to raising families, the role of WAGs is undeniable in ensuring stability in the personal and professional lives of players. However, there seems to be a steep price for being a WAG, including loneliness and negative tabloid coverage. The top football WAGs have attained enviable levels of global fame and success. Despite widespread criticism, they continue to impress millions of fans with their beauty, impeccable sense of fashion, thriving businesses and wealth.

WAGs – Wives and girlfriends of high-profile footballers.
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